As you decide to have nose surgery, try to find the best operation and choose the perfect nose design for your face in consulting session by your surgeon. During this session your doctor explain you what changes are possible or impossible during the surgery. Your current nose size and shape are the important factors that determine the surgery limitations.
Of course your surgeon considers the other factors such as skin structure, cartilage and nasal bone. All these items can determine to what extent nose reshaping is possible considering the logical limitations, surgical skill and technology. For example, apply for nose surgery in order to make a big nose smaller is common but it has some limitations too. The bone size of primary structure and the nasal cartilage can be small but the nasal skin will leave untouched. More addition, the size and form of the nose should be symmetry with the other facial structure. If the nose makes too smaller than the chin and cheek, the facial coordination will disturb. Despites these limitations, a good surgeon can make slight and desirable changes on your nose and make you satisfy of your new nose.
You can’t see the results quickly after surgery and maybe the result is not the same as you have expected. The surgeon makes your nose shape in coordinate with the other facial structures.
The form and appearance of a perfect nose
While choosing a new design for your nose, try to select a natural form that is most likely as the size, form and symmetry to your original nose. A female patient expects a slim and feminine nose after the surgery, in contrary, men expect a nose with straight bridge, small nostril and not much ahead.
Maybe you expect a nose form similar to one of your friends or a famous person after the surgery but you should keep in your mind that surgeon is not a juggler and can do the surgery just according to your nasal natural parameters. Mimicking of a famous person nose, may cause your face look unnatural because this form is not appropriate for your face. Anyway, you can show the desirable nose photo in the consulting session to your surgeon and your doctor will find your interest and expectation. But you need to accept your doctor recommendation in order to get desirable result.
More importantly, you should be assuring that your surgeon has a board certificate and sufficient experience in nose surgery domain and is able to provide you desirable results. See the before and after photos of prior patients and ask their opinion about the surgery. Try to find an expert surgeon who can make a nose more similar to your current nose and with minimum fault, although it is not possible for all nose.
How a surgeon can find the perfect nose for my face?
Trusting a cosmetic surgeon is not a small issue. How you can be certain that your surgeon’s diagnose is right for you? By choosing an expert surgeon you can make sure that your nose will be correct into the capable hands.
Higher training
The expert nose surgeon, have taken additional training course (by emphasize on nose surgery and facial structure) after the surgical residency. For example, when a surgeon holds a fellowship in a surgery or get some experience by himself, know how to get better result on the patient’s face, rather than the surgeon that learn more theoretically.
Facial ideals
The nose surgeon specialist, spend much years on learning and knowing the facial ideals and the accurate technique to achieve them. Because of this, they know what they should do for a successful rhinoplasty. Following are the most important facial ideal factors:
- Nasolabial angle: The nose surgeon specialist, have define the ideal angle between the nose and upper lip as 90-120 degree and have explained the difference between a droopy and turned up nose. If your nose tip is too turned up, you look as unreliable and unexperienced person and if it is too droopy, you look like as a bad-tempered person and you seem older.
- Columellar appearance: Column, is the amount of nostril that mostly look in profile. In the ideal situation, column should not be longer than 3-5 millimeter of the nostril showing.
The hanging columella correction by rhinoplasty
- Supratip break: It is an ideal form of the nose on profile that nose tip has a slight break in the area right before the tip begins to elevate. The smooth break in women nose make a natural looking for women while men with a straight tip look more attractive and masculine. You can see the supra tip break in the following photo.
The key of creating a perfect nose for a face is to maintain the nose appearance with improving the natural lines that modify your face harmony and combination. One of the best method to reach this goal is understanding patient genetic makeup. For example, some ethnicities have ticker nostrils. You should make sure that your surgeon consider all small differences as mentioned above in the time scheduling of the surgery and determine the best new design and don’t say a one size fits all nose job.
So we can say this key is determined by the nose surgeon specialist; the surgeon who has enough expert in this domain should consider whole facial structure in the consulting session. Finally, you choose your surgeon on your own self.
Nose as the central facial structure has an important role on the balance of facial structure. If you consider your nose separately, it may appear perfect nose, but it is not symmetry with the other facial structure and can affect your appearance significantly. Because of this reason, the surgeon considers chin, forehead, cheek, eyes and overall facial shape of patient during the surgery planning. Any change on your nose should be coordinate with the other facial structure and improve the overall symmetry.
Right consular
The perfect nose shape will determine during a consulting session and a specialist surgeon will ask about your objectives about cosmetic surgery and explain about what is possible. More addition, an expert surgeon can suggest subtle changes that follow the better result even better than your prior expectation. The surgeon knows all the surgery techniques and suggest the right technique to make a safe and successful changes.
The importance of nose shape when reforming facial profile
The perfect nose should be adapted in side profile and front side. During the nose reshaping some basic rates and angles can affect the profile image such as nose-forehead angle, nose-tip angle and nose-lip angle, nose-chin angle, chin-neck angle, nose-ears size ratio and forehead-nose-chin ratio. These ratios and angles should be balanced with each other. For instance, if a nose looks big from side view, the forehead and chin angle should consider accurately in order to get the coordination and nice desirable appearance.
Most majority of people don’t have facial coordination and the ideal facial ratio. For example, you can consider patient who don’t have appropriate upper facial, middle facial and lower facial ratios. These proportion disorders should be considered during the cosmetic surgery design. In the situations that lower face is too long, the nose need to be shortened carefully to keep the balance. On the other hand, if forehead, nose and chin are asymmetry maybe the other operations are required rather than the rhinoplasty, such as fat injection or aesthetic jaw surgeries.
It should be considering that the nasolabial angle between women and men is different. For example, if the ideal angle between your forehead and nose is 115-130 degree and the angle between your lip and nose is 90-120 degree. Theses angle and ratio is more among women.