Rhinoplasty surgery (nose job, nose cosmetic surgery, nose surgery) is one of the most common cosmetic surgery. If you are unhappy with the shape of your nose or you have functional complications that cause breathing issues, rhinoplasty can be a good option to increase your quality of life. There are different types of rhinoplasty that can help to correct the following issues:

  • The size or shape of your nose in relation to facial balance
  • Wide, large or upturned nostrils
  • Nasal asymmetry
  • Drooping, upturned, bulbous, enlarged or hooked nasal tip

There are four common types of rhinoplasty including:

Open rhinoplasty

 It is usually performed for patients whose nose need extensive work. In this technique, the surgeon makes a small incision under the nasal tip, between the nostrils. In this approach, the surgeon has more access to the nasal structure and can reshape nose properly.

Closed rhinoplasty

In this method, the surgeon makes incisions within the nose then separate the skin from the bone and cartilage. So he/she has access to the underlying structure and can do the correction.

Revision rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty also called secondary rhinoplasty is done when a patient is unhappy with the results of primary surgery or has functional problems that are developed after the primary nose surgery.

Filler rhinoplasty

It is a non-surgical procedure that is a less common type compare to other techniques. There is no incision in this procedure, just an injectable filler is used to correct the minor weakness.

Furthermore, nose job surgeries are performed to achieve specific goals that may undertake as functional rhinoplasty or cosmetic rhinoplasty.

Functional rhinoplasty

Functional rhinoplasty is another type of rhinoplasty, it deals with physical abnormalities that may cause breathing problems or other complications. The surgeon reshapes or repositions the cartilage and bones to make a nasal contour to let you breathe easily. Functional rhinoplasty helps to correct the following problems:

Enlarged turbinates

Enlarged turbinates

Turbinates are a small structure that helps to clean and modify the air. Sometimes these turbinates are enlarged and cause difficulty for airflow. There are three sets of turbinates: superior turbinates which are positioned high within the nose between the eyes; middle turbinates which are placed in the middle of the nose and inferior turbinates which is located just above the nostril. Turbinate rhinoplasty can correct turbinates that are tightened because of the deviated septum as well as swollen turbinates due to allergies or other irritants. When deviated septum pushes the turbine to one side, it causes the turbinate to grow larger in another side and prevent proper breathing.

Deviated septum

Deviated septum

A deviated septum develops or shifts to one side instead of making two equal passageways. When the septum crook to one side it makes an S-shape or withdraw into a C shape. These conditions cause to block airflow and harm the nasal soft tissues. In this condition, the surgeon corrects the deviated septum and realign it in the proper position.

Nasal polyps

Nasal polyps

Nasal polyps are painless soft growths inside the nose that is associated with irritation and allergies. Although it not a serious problem but can grow and block the nose as well as impressing on the sense of smell. The surgeon can remove it by nasal polyp rhinoplasty. You should keep it in your mind that the nasal polys can grow back, so you need to take allergy medication even after the surgery.

Nasal fractures as a type of rhinoplasty

Nasal fractures

Nasal fracture also refers to the broken nose, can block breathing and causes misshapen or crooked nose. The symptom of nasal fracture includes bruising, bleeding, swelling and difficulty to breathe through the nose. Your doctor can straight the bone or cartilage in the proper position by the rhinoplasty surgery. There are different types of fractures that may need different types of ostomy (rejoining or reshaping bones).

Cosmetic rhinoplasty

Cosmetic rhinoplasty can change the nose shape, size, tip, bridge, nostrils, improve the appearance and enhance facial harmony. It can also correct breathing problems as well as abnormalities that are formed by birth defect or trauma. Cosmetic rhinoplasty can be applied in the following ways:

Straightening a crooked nose

crooked nose

The crooked or shifted nose to the one side can be straightened by removing some parts of the bone or cartilage or even by shifting the tissues.

Projection adjustment

Projection adjustment

Nose projection is the distance that develops outward from the joint that connects the upper lip to its tip. If the tip projection is too far or the tip of your nose is under-projected, it can greatly influence your overall look. The surgeon can reduce the projection by trimming the portion of the cartilage to the proper tip.

Tip rotation and reduction

When the tip of the nose is downward or drooped the surgeon can rotate it to the proper angle and adjust the tip by reshaping cartilage to a more desirable angle.

Width reduction

Width reduction

The surgeon can narrow the width nose by adjusting the pyriform aperture (the nostrils and the tip of the nose from a triangle called the pyriform aperture).

Nasolabial angle adjustment

Nasolabial angle adjustmen

From the facial profile, nasolabial angle appears in two lines, the first line which goes from the nasal tip to space above the upper lip and the second line run from the upper lip to the base of the nose, where the nostrils are divided. The nose projection and tip’s rotation modify the degree of this angle. Usually, the surgeon tries to form a 90 to 95-degree nasolabial angle in males and a 100 to 105-degree angle in a female candidate.

Ethnic rhinoplasty

Ethnic rhinoplasty

Since each race has unique cosmetic characteristics, ethnic rhinoplasty undertakes to change the appearance of the nose in a person of an ethnic descent like Asian or African America rhinoplasty.

Alar adjustment

Alar adjustment

Patients who have a board alar base or lower portion of the nose are the right candidate for alar reduction rhinoplasty because their nostrils appear flare and spread across the cheeks. The surgeon can modify the level of tension that causes excessive flair in the nostrils.