Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure on the nose, which is performed  by an ENT (ear, nose and throat) surgeon, maxillofacial surgeon or  plastic surgeon.

In undergoing a Rhinoplasty, one can solve different obstacles of the  nose, including:

  • Bulkiness of the nose
  • Nose hump
  • Nose tip drop or scant of lip and nose angle
  • Nose flatness
  • Nostril bigness
  • Box-shaped tips
  • Under projected tip
  • Septum dislocation and asymmetrical nose
  • Tip crotch
  • Saddle nose subsequent to previous strokes or septum deflection surgery
  • Post-surgery deformities


What is the difference between traditional and modern Rhinoplasty?

In traditional Rhinoplasty only the size and appearance of the nose was  a concern, therefore the procedure could bear complications. In this  type of surgery, major scales of cartilages were removed and bones  were hardly crushed. But today, due to development of medical  sciences, it is believed that through stitch and formation both the  results in appearance is achievable and function of cartilages would be  intact.


Which is better? “Closed” or “open” nose surgery?

In closed method, the surgeon makes changes inside the patient’s nose  without cutting the outside. This method is mostly used for minor procedures. But in open method, the surgeon cuts the nasal skin and nasal vestibule is divided to two parts. Then nasal skin is stretched out  so a better intranasal accessibility is provided.

To answer the question above one must have in mind that it is the final  result of the surgery which is important, which approach is more  effective in achieving the desired results and the process of surgery, be  it open or closed, will not make much of a difference.
